To provide effective, efficient and disciplined leadership for sustainable growth in insurance and economic development in Ghana.


Ghana Insurers Association seeks to harness the collective voice of its membership to build and sustain a reputation and image of excellence for insurers through an enhanced business environment.


We have the expertise to provide reliable and responsive solutions to stakeholder challenges.

We share the concerns and challenges of all stakeholders and take appropriate steps to give comfort.

We fairly listen to both members and policyholders and arrive at solutions mutually acceptable to all parties.

We demonstrate impeccable adherence to truthfulness, equity and ethical standards. Above all, we deliver on our promises and stakeholders can trust us. These cascading attributes define core behavioural patterns expected of our members in their dealings with cherished policyholders.

We anticipate changes in regulation and emerging trends in the insurance industry worldwide and ensure that our operations are in tune with international best practices.

  • Protecting, promoting and advancing the common interest of Insurers and Reinsurers transacting insurance and reinsurance business in Ghana.
  • Promoting agreement and co-operation among its members on matters of mutual interest and providing machinery for the examination and reconciliation of any differences.
  • Promoting knowledge and a clearer understanding of insurance among all sections of the community.
  • Promoting good relationship among insurers and re-insurers and other industry players.
  • Gathering and collecting information and market-wide statistics from members of the Association, for the purpose of determining market trends and satisfying other requirements as set by the Board from time to time.
  • Consulting and cooperating with other Associations or similar bodies within and outside Ghana in regard to matters of mutual interest and if deemed necessary obtaining affiliation with such associations.
  • Managing the assets of the Association for the benefit of its Members.
  • Promoting the common interest of insurers by encouraging the sharing of insurance business among members with the view to enhancing the retention of business in Ghana in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Act.
  • Promoting and encouraging professional training of insurance personnel for the industry in Ghana.
  • Doing all such things as may be necessary, proper or advisable for the general advancement of insurance business; or which may be necessary for, incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the objects of the Association.