Ghana Insurers Association Extends a Helping Hand to the Trauma and Specialist Hospital, Winneba During the 2023 Insurance Awareness Month Celebrations.

In a heartwarming display of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the Ghana Insurers Association (GIA) marked the 2023 Insurance Awareness Month with a significant charitable initiative. The GIA delegation, led by Mr. Seth Kobla Aklasi, President of the GIA and Managing Director of Donewell Insurance LTD., visited the Trauma and Specialist Hospital in Winneba to make a generous donation of assorted hospital consumable items worth thousands of Ghana Cedis. The event, which took place on Wednesday, July 27, 2023, was a remarkable step towards supporting accident victims and promoting the overall well-being of the community.

Mr. Seth Aklasi emphasized that the GIA, representing all insurance and reinsurance companies in Ghana, is dedicated to managing risks and supporting the local community. The decision to support the Trauma and Specialist Hospital in Winneba was in response to the increasing number of road accidents along the Winneba highway. These accidents often result in injuries to valued clients of the insurance firms affiliated with the GIA.

“As insurers, we acknowledge the responsibility we have in handling accidents, which are unfortunately a daily occurrence. By supporting the Trauma and Specialist Hospital, Winneba, we aim to assist accident victims in their time of need,” stated Mr. Aklasi.

The donation included vital medical supplies such as absorbent gauze rolls, disposable syringes, latex surgical gloves, and other consumables necessary for the proper care of accident victims. Dr. Prah Kwame George, Head of the Trauma and Specialist Hospital, Winneba, expressed his gratitude for the timely and essential donation, as the hospital was facing challenges in replenishing its medical supplies. He explained that suppliers had been hesitant to provide them with necessary consumables without cash upfront, making it difficult for the hospital to manage its resources effectively.

Dr. Prah Kwame George commended the GIA’s gesture and called on other corporate organizations to follow suit. He appealed to the GIA President to consider adopting the Trauma and Specialist Hospital as a regular beneficiary of CSR missions during future Insurance Awareness Month Celebrations.

Following the donation ceremony, the GIA delegation was given a tour of the hospital’s facilities by Dr. Prah Kwame George. During the tour, Dr. George proposed that individual insurance companies could further contribute to the hospital by adopting and refurbishing some of its dilapidated wards. In return, these companies would have the opportunity to brand the adopted wards, leaving a lasting impression on accident victims and their families and reinforcing their role as preferred insurance providers. The GIA’s initiative in supporting the Trauma and Specialist Hospital, Winneba, exemplifies the positive impact that corporate social responsibility can have on local communities. By coming together and supporting crucial institutions, the insurance industry can play a vital role in safeguarding the well-being of Ghanaians and promoting a safer environment for everyone. This